The Natalie & Alice Fish Story

We are the Fishes. In 2011 two of our five children; Natalie and Alice were diagnosed with a rare gene disfunction called Leaky SCID (Severe Combined Immune Deficiency). Their condition is so rare that only two cases are reported in the U.S. each year. Both girls have endured much, and have spent most of their young lives in and out of hospitals due to common illnesess a healthy immune system would overcome. The required treatment for our girls is a bone marrow transplant.
Although the new marrow could mean a normal life for them, it will be a long and arduous road. This blog is to share our experience as parents and the courage of our children.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

An email from Lisy

November 19, 2011

Hello again,
First of all, this is the most I've ever been on my email, I haven't been much of an emailer until lately...mostly because I have a hard time sitting down to the computer without major interruptions from Alice or Evie. Hope you don't mind me sharing some of my thoughts. Evie was up early this morning, we have been enjoying each other, now she is sleeping I thought I would just share a quick thought. I usually keep my scriptures beside the rocker chair where I nurse Evie, in hopes that I can read some while sitting there. Mostly, by the time I sit to feed her, I'm too tired to complete even a small amount of verses. I've been struggling to get very far with my reading. I'm not getting very far, very fast. I was stuck in the Book of Jacob for a long time to put it nicely. However, when it came time to make this decision regarding transplant, I so happened to be as far as Jacob 5. Most are familiar with this chapter, I have read it countless times over the years. I have always loved this long as it is. :) But this time I understood something else. I have likened unto my own children, the Lord's vineyard of the olive trees. I love verses 17, 18, and 75. The whole engraftment process really came to life for me while reading this...I guess you could say it gave me courage to make this decision. Again, thanks to all for your love and support!


1 comment:

  1. Lisy, you are one of my heros. I hope and pray for your family that you will be given strength to endure your trials. I can see your strength and faith - it's inspiring! I am so glad you have this blog. I've been thinking a lot about you and your little ones. It's helpful to know what it going through your day to day and how you are dealing with things. I appreciate your honesty.
    Do you mind posting your skype address. I am sure my girls, Lauren especially, would love to say hello to Natalie and Alice.
    Take care, Sweetie. I love you.
