The Natalie & Alice Fish Story

We are the Fishes. In 2011 two of our five children; Natalie and Alice were diagnosed with a rare gene disfunction called Leaky SCID (Severe Combined Immune Deficiency). Their condition is so rare that only two cases are reported in the U.S. each year. Both girls have endured much, and have spent most of their young lives in and out of hospitals due to common illnesess a healthy immune system would overcome. The required treatment for our girls is a bone marrow transplant.
Although the new marrow could mean a normal life for them, it will be a long and arduous road. This blog is to share our experience as parents and the courage of our children.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Would You Rather?

This past week Lisy and I laughed at a few things the kids have said to us. Mostly because of the game "Would You Rather". The kids have used this game as a platform for their own "would you rathers". Not all, but some of them have had enough weight to give me pause or laugh. One in particular from Blair directed towards Lisy caused me to stop what I was doing and wait for her answer. It was a funny moment to say the least. Moreover, I thought it would have some comedic value if we posted some of the children's "would you rathers," and if you should want,  you are more than welcome to answer them in the comment section.



  1. I'd marry the ugly many who is nice! These are great and your kids are adorable as always!

  2. adorable!! hmmm these are great questions...I think I want a purple horse, an ugly nice man to marry and as for the first questions...NONE of then ;) ha ha! You guys are awesome!!

  3. Loved this video. I would rather have Natalies cat, Alice's dog, a purple horse, fall out of a tree and have an ugly nice man. period.
