The Natalie & Alice Fish Story

We are the Fishes. In 2011 two of our five children; Natalie and Alice were diagnosed with a rare gene disfunction called Leaky SCID (Severe Combined Immune Deficiency). Their condition is so rare that only two cases are reported in the U.S. each year. Both girls have endured much, and have spent most of their young lives in and out of hospitals due to common illnesess a healthy immune system would overcome. The required treatment for our girls is a bone marrow transplant.
Although the new marrow could mean a normal life for them, it will be a long and arduous road. This blog is to share our experience as parents and the courage of our children.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 33

Quick post--I ran out of time, so I'm making it short.

Alice's numbers today were still the same as yesterday. 1300 white count--100 ANC. They are going to double the steroid. It will take a few days before we see any changes.

She is having a lot of abdominal pain and diarrhea. Hopefully she will engraft soon so the healing process can speed up.


1 comment:

  1. I'm amazed that you guys update us as often as you do. Thanks so much for keeping us updated. I thought of you guys a while ago when I was reading the scriptures. In 2 Ne. 9:39 it says, "to be spiritually-minded is life eternal." I had an institute teacher tell us that it stands for SMILE. I thought of you because it has to be comforting for you to know that this life, and all its hardships, are but a small moment, and that as long as you stay spiritually minded, you and your family will be together--with perfect bodies--forever. We love you.
